Todos los cursos de los Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior en nuestros Instituto se imparten en español. Sólo uno de ellos tiene el módulo de Inglés, pero esperamos que pronto se extienda a todos ellos.
Hacer clic en el nombre para ver el Suplemento del Diploma Europass de cada uno:
Hay que tener 18 años o más. Se necesita tener el título de Bachillerato o de un Ciclo de Grado Medio de la misma familia profesional además de la correspondiente prueba de acceso aprobada.
Nuestro IES "Ramón y Cajal" obtuvo la Carta Erasmus para el período comprendido
entre el 2014 y el 2020. Esto nos permite solicitar becas Erasmus para que
algunos de nuestros alumnos de Grado Superior puedan realizar sus prácticas en
empresas extranjeras. Durante el curso pasado, tres alumnos de la familia
profesional de Imagen realizaron su FCT en Londres, Inglaterra, y este curso un
alumno de Anatomía Patológica las ha llevado a cabo en Austria. A continuación
podéis leer un poco sobre su experiencia.
Have you ever been to Austria? I have. And one of the most beautiful cities I
have ever been to is Innsbruck. Its architecture is a mix beetwen modern and
clasical, its streets stoned
pavement, and the views of the Alps are one of the most beautiful landscapes.
When I was in Innsbruck, I found myself surprised by many things, but especially
by three facts I wasn’t expecting to be true about this city. And here I give
them to you, so if some day you visit Innsbruck (please, do), you will know some
of the things that are ahead of you.
People wear sports clothes does not
matter whether you are young or old.
Innsbruck residents are entirely too obedient to traffic lights. It doesn’t
matter if there
one single car coming down the street: they just won’t cross until the light is
green for them to go on. At first I found this silly, even when I knew it was
the right thing to do. But eventually I grew accustomed to it.
Innsbruck people
will help you gladly. Although most of young people speak English, this is
mostly a good thing, old ones do not and do not like if you speak to them so
choose carefuly or have a good
knowledge of German.
I chose Innbruck as a destination and so could visit many cities due to its good
location. The best trip I have ever gone on my Erasmus was to Shatteberg Alm in
the mountains near the border with Italy
When I arrived in Innsbruck, the
firsts weeks I took
few one-day tours of the city. I visited the remaining museums that I did
not see in previous trips. I also walked up and down The Nordkette,
the main mountains close to the city, where I could see some gorgeous
views of Innsbruck.
The next stop of Erasmus is the internship at my host company, TyrolPath. It’s
not only tough but also very exciting and rewarding. There were always tasks to
do and coworkers were always willing to answer my questions. Coffee breaks were
good and, although my German was kind of crappy,
I managed somehow to have fun, specially with de doctors they were pretty
chatming and cheerful with me.
City life in Innsbruck is dynamic even more than Murcia, despite
the population is just 130,000 people; it looks
bigger. A lot of stuff /performances are happening all the time, It might
be because of student community,
Innsbruck itself has 3 univeristies for such a short pupulation.
To sum up , even though I was not
a student , it was an amazing experience.
Miguel Fernández – Delgado Juárez